At Iowa Interstate Railroad, we understand the importance of protecting our environment for now and future generations to come. We provide the most environmentally sound way to move freight over land.
From an independent study performed by the American Association of Railroads:
On average, trains are four more times more fuel efficient than trucks
In 2014, U.S. freight railroads moved a ton of freight an average of 479 miles per gallon of fuel
Moving freight by rail instead of trucks lowers greenhouse gas emissions by 75 percent
If just 5 percent of the freight that moves by truck moved by rail instead, fuel savings would be approximately 800 million gallons per year and green-house gas emissions would fall by approximately 9 million tons. That is the equivalent of taking 1.8 million cars off the road or planting more than 200 million trees
Carbon Calculator
The Association of American Railroads Carbon Calculator will estimate the amount of carbon dioxide that can be prevented from entering our environment just by using freight rail instead of trucks.